Homeopathic Remedies for Depression

Forest & nature holistic rest for depression

Feeling Flat?

We’ve just sent out our newsletter with a discussion around feeling flat and what you can do to support yourself. Feeling flat is one thing, but feeling deeper feelings such as a lack of joy in life, feeling tired all the time, not sleeping, feeling worthless & helpless, irritable & anxious, sadness & numbness, difficulty concentrating or crying all the time is a completely different matter.

What is depression & who is affected?

Depression can effect anyone - it knows no bounds, no social status, no difference in bank balance, or where someone lives. In fact it can be more difficult for people who ‘seem to have it all’ to admit to themselves or others that they are in fact depressed. It is like people expect them to be happy because of status or wealth.

According to New Zealand statistics women are more prone to depression than men, but perhaps that is because society is more accepting of women having the kinds of feelings & experiences that go along with depression.

Our 5 top tips for feeling flat can also be applied to if you’re feeling depressed. See below our infographic for more information on our 5 top tips along with some great homeopathic remedies for a natural approach to depression

Finding your Daily ray of Light

I've started being attuned to those little moments in my day that I call my 'Daily Ray of Light'.
This can be anything where I stop for a moment and notice.....notice that there is profound beauty in little moments, in nature, in little interactions throughout the day. I post these on Instagram if you want to follow me and get some inspiration.

You can also follow the hashtag #DAILYRAYOFLIGHT and share your own experiences with finding your Daily Ray of Light.

Vitamin D & Depression

There are many studies which show a correlation between low levels of vitamin D and depression and seasonal affective disorder. This is easily remedies by taking Vitamin D supplements, especially during the winter months.

Meditation & Depression

Meditation is one of the best natural anti-depressants I know of (apart from Homeopathy!). Don’t be put off by meditation and thinking you need to sit and chant Aum or clear your mind for ages. The mind is a tricky monkey and it won’t stop chattering easily.

What I recommend to clients is just to make a daily practice of sitting for 5 minutes and gradually extend it from there.

It helps if you have a nice place to sit inside your home or outside in nature and it can be as simple as sipping a cup of tea quietly. Yes this can be meditation!

The key thing to achieve through meditation is to become skilled at WATCHING your thoughts. To obverse them like clouds passing. This will bring about more awareness of your patterns and ultimately you will get to choose not to follow your thoughts, whereby the mind will become quieter with time.

Homeopathy & Depression

Oftentimes people approach me and ask ‘Is Homeopathy good for depression? I’ve been to counselling for years and yet I’m still depressed’

This is an interesting topic and one that I am very passionate about. Can Homeopathy assist with depression? Well in my clinical experience with treating many people for depression over the years, yes, Homeopathy is an excellent choice for a natural remedy for depression.

Depression - an individualised approach

As Homeopaths we have many remedies we can use for depression, however, in Homeopathy we are always working with treating the individual - which means that your lens of seeing the world if you’re depressed, will be different to someone else. It may be that two different people presenting with depression would get prescribed two different homeopathic remedies.

Further to this is, I believe, always a causative factor. This is why I enjoy the case taking part of Homeopathy so much. It is such an honour to go on a journey with someone to discover what is underneath the label of depression. It is my firm belief that if we don’t go deeper to discover a new awareness of ourselves, our way of being, our traumas and past hurts, we will heal gently, rapidly & permanently.

Feeling light again after a Homeopathic consult

It is not uncommon for people to feel a new sense of wholeness and lightness after a consultation ……where someone actually took the time to understand them - to see the world through their lens and to be able to share things that they have never spoken of before.

This is true healing in action and equally as important as the remedy itself. Healing starts with compassion, understanding and guidance to take ownership of one’s own health and wellness. It is not just ‘taking a pill’, but a deep process of transformation and freedom.

Specific Homeopathic Remedies for Depression

Here are just a few homeopathic remedies - there are many many more that Homeopaths can use

  • Natrum Muriaticum Homeopathic Remedy - made from sea salt - a beautiful beautiful remedy to take away past hurts and grief. The Natrum Muriaticum person will be quiet, not wanting to share much, can cry easily in sad movies but hates crying in front of others. They may feel that they have a wall around them. The grief that this can assist with may be recent, or from a very long time ago, but the patient has never gotten over the loss.

  • Phosphoric Acid Homeopathic Remedy - burned out and exhausted. Often used at transition times, such as going into puberty or after birthing. The patient is absolutely exhausted and feels extremely flat. They can sit and brood - may shut themselves in their rooms and not want to face the world. It can also be helpful after an acute illness that someone has never recovered from

  • Sepia Homeopathic Remedy - as the Sepia photographs show - everything feels blah. Its a blah day - everything is grey and insipid. Often this remedy is used when there has been a hormonal shift that the patient is having trouble dealing with - conception, pregnancy, birth or menstruation or menopause. There is an aversion to family members and those closest to them

Start looking up

It sounds weird right - start looking up? Blimey! But there is wisdom in this.

When we feel depressed there is a tendency to navel gaze or hunch over or look down. But guess what? There is SO MUCH beauty in the sky above - it is ever changing, colourful, sometimes grey but always moving & changing.

If we can just turn our gaze up and watch it will help lift our mood and you never know, you might just discover some new insights, see birds flying, clouds changing, sunrises and sunsets. It’s a really beneficial practice as it opens up the body and the mind to a higher perspective.

Obviously depression can be serious and needs to be treated as such in conjunction with a qualified health care provider.

If you’re suffering from depression there is hope with Homeopathy. Please use the button below to book an appointment.

For people living outside of Auckland or NZ - there is hope! I see people from all around the world via Zoom and the connection is excellent. Remedies can be obtained through Homeopathic Pharmacies worldwide.

Follow Holistic Homeopathy on Instagram  or Facebook to be a part of this incredible Homeopathic journey

My purpose is to help restore the Wellness Within so that you can live your best life - in health, harmony & soulful authenticity



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