Natural remedies for teething
Baby’s first teeth
It’s the middle of the night, your baby is screaming, angry and cross and you suspect that baby is teething. This situation can not only send the baby into a miserable state, but yourself as a parent as well. If you’re after a natural remedy for teething and relieving your baby’s pain and discomfort from teething, then Chamomilla may just be what’s needed.
In Homeopathy we always match the symptom picture of the patient to the symptom picture of the remedy. This means that not all teething babies will need the remedy Chamomilla. However, when the symptoms fit…..then this is your best friend.
Chamomilla Homeopathic remedy picture
Chamomilla as a remedy picture sees the patient as being very angry, cross & irritable. They can have one cheek red and the other pale. The overarching thing you will see is that the child is in unendurable pain and wants instant relief.
They may want to be carried everywhere, but you’ll find there is NOTHING that you can do to relieve them or their pain. A child needing Chamomilla as a remedy for teething may stretch back and stiffen in anger - they are cross and peevish and in pain!
Watch the late Misha Norland speak about Chamomillia as a remedy in this youtube clip below:
Misha Norland talks about the remedy Chamomilla
Teething & loose bowels
Babies who need Chamomilla for teething may have very hot stools and the bowel motions which can look like chopped eggs & spinach - an increase in thirst is also a common symptom.
Chamomilla natural remedy for ear infections
Chamomillia is also great when there is any occurrence of extreme pain that drives the person mad. I have used it successfully as a natural solution for ear infections and as soon as the remedy was put into the child’s mouth they stopped screaming and were back to their normal happy state. Moments like this outweigh any skeptic’s opinions!
Chamomilla for labour pain
Adults too can benefit from Chamomilla when they are in a state of extreme pain and want immediate results. This could be with tooth pain or for labour pains and it is a great natural treatment for both.
Dosage: Give one dose (2 pillules or 2 drops) every 15 minutes for an hour, then 2-3 hourly after that. Do not continue past 12 hours if there is no change in the state of the patient. If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your child please seek further medical advice,.
If your child is suffering from teething and nothing is helping there is hope with Homeopathy. Please use the button below to book an appointment.
For people living outside of Auckland or NZ - there is hope! I see people from all around the world via Zoom and the connection is excellent. Remedies can be obtained through Homeopathic Pharmacies worldwide.
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My purpose is to help restore the Wellness Within so that you can live your best life - in health, harmony & soulful authenticity
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