Holistic Homeopathy

Restoring the wellness within

Zoom / In Person / Worldwide & NZ

Over 200 million people use Homeopathy Worldwide

Homeopathy is the second leading health modality worldwide

Over 200 million people use Homeopathy Worldwide Homeopathy is the second leading health modality worldwide

Is this you?

Find out if the homeopathic approach is what you’re looking for

Do you recognise your situation?

If it is…..

Then our homeopathic approach may be just what you’re looking for

Are you?

  • Homeopathy stimulates the body's own wellness within to restore balance & harmony. It is holistic medicine for physical, mental & emotional complaints - long standing or recent

My purpose is to help people find balance and harmony with their health & well-being through Homeopathy

Meet Tania

Hi I’m Tania - a professionally registered Homeopath and executive member of the New Zealand Council of Homeopaths.

I’m the proud mother of 4 amazing children who have all been brought up using Homeopathy.

Over twenty years ago I was introduced to Homeopathy - it changed the health of myself and my family on all levels. So powerful was the impact that I decided to train as a Homeopath.

I’m passionate about supporting people to come back to a place of balance and harmony with their health & wellness. I support individuals & families through Homeopathy with my background in health, well-being and parenting.

I live on Waiheke Island - a little island off the coast of Auckland, New Zealand and see clients via Zoom throughout the world.

Some of the things we support people with…..

  • Women

    Infertility, Menstrual Difficulties, Menopause, Depression, Anxiety, Despair, Migraines, UTIs, Post Viral Fatigue, Skin Complaints, Digestive Issues, Post Traumatic Stress & Trauma, Grief..and more

  • Mums & Bubs

    Natural Fertility Support, Pregnancy & Birth Support, Postpartum Health & Recovery, Mastitis, Colic, Overall Support & Guidance for Mothers, Natural Health Support for Infants, Postnatal Depression…and more

  • Children

    Sleep, Eczema, Asthma, Acute Complaints, Fevers, Flu, Digestive Problems, Teething, Developmental Delay, Emotional Regulation, Ear Infections, Coughs, Anxiety, Behavioural challenges…and more

  • Teenagers

    Acute Complaints, Hormonal Challenges, Digestive Complaints, Heavy Periods, Sleep, Anxiety, Depression, Social Difficulties, Acne, Exam Stress, Eating disorders…and more

  • Emotional Repatterning

    Bringing awareness to life patterns & how they affect current life experiences. Homeopathic remedies are used to facilitate deep transformation of old beliefs, patterns & behaviours…and more

  • Remedy Kits

    Homeopathic remedy kits & single remedies to use in the home for first aid, cough, colds, food poisoning, fevers, hangovers, travel, children’s ailments, pregnancy, birth and post partum..and more

The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul. Let no one persuade you to cure the head until he has first given you his soul to be cured, for this is the great error of our day, that physicians first separate the soul from the body.
— Socrates

Homeopathy works….

Homeopathy works - it works to bring about physical health in acute illnesses and overall wellness in long term health challenges. In person or online - the results are just as profound. I do what I do because I see the benefits & positive changes in my clients clients every day

If you are living outside of New Zealand the booking system will automatically work out a time in your time zone which matches my availability.

Waiheke bookings - please text to arrange 027 688 9204

What people are saying…….
